Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 8 The Medical Clinic

Day eight began with an early morning visit to the medical clinic. AJ was weighed (22 lbs) and measured (30.25" body),(47cm head), poked and prodded by the ENT (ears, nose, throat) doctor (all good, no infections)and had her temperature taken (98.2). The doctors were very happy with her health and stated that her caretakers at the orphanage must have taken good care of her. AJ was a trooper throughout the check-up and she was very intrigued with all the medical equipment. She was also quite social with the doctors and nurses. After the medical check-up, AJ had to get FIVE vaccination shots. FIVE in a row!!! She was a trooper through the first three, and began crying after #4 and #5 (As did her mommy). The crying lasted about thirty seconds, then she went back to focusing on her all natural strawberry lolly pop. About five minutes later, the pain of the shots kicked in, and she cried for about ten minutes. Afert that, she was alllll gooood! We proceeded to breakfast, and she ate like a champ. I introduced her to yogurt, and she LOVES it! In other AJ news, she has become quite the copycat. She imitates her mommy often. If mommy kisses the stuffed panda, AJ kisses the stuffed panda (with mmmaaaaa sound effect). She also throws things, points at them, and expects them to be picked up. This drives Robin crazy, but I love it. Nice arm on the kid and I believe that she is a lefty!! She also loves to share and has taken to feeding Robin and I cheerios and fruit ('bout time I had a woman feed me!!!.) She also has been feeding herself and wiping her own drool...thank God!! AJ also loves to visit Leena's Place, a Chinese store next door to the hotel. In turn for doing some of our laundry (even my stinky socks!!! btw...the Hong Kong feet are still in effect...have not had a chance to pick up baking soda or mint yet, so I am masking the smell with Robin's Clinical Strength Secret!! (I will probably get smacked for that one!!), Leena gave us a free stroller to use for our entire time here in GZ. Leena's place is staffed by Chinese women in their twenties who LOVE AJ. They scoop her up, sing to her, give her toys. It is very cool. They are also teaching Robin and I many Chinese words and phrases. Speaking of Robin, when AJ went down for her three hour nap today, Miss Robin decided to swim some laps in the highly chlorinated hotel swimming pool. Instead of showering when finished, Robin took a nap, thus allowing the chlorine to set in. Bottom line, Robin showered, looked in the mirror and screamed!!! Her hair had turned green(see pictures). I laughed, AJ snorted, and Robin almost cried. Classic Robin. The Green Lantern lives!!! So, on a final note, every night Robin sings to AJ, helps her try to form words, etc. I, on the other hand, tell her about all of the good food she will be tasting in the Lehigh Valley. Today, she came up with a list of food she would like when we return to the states. The list is as follows, and it is coming straight from Addison Jade Huilin Roberts (aka: Mao Mao): Barb Ginsburg's Apple Crisp and Rice Pudding, Terri Geisel's cookies, Mee Maw's chocolate cake, Grandma's Apple Pie (with the caramel crunch top), Pop Pop's Rhubarb pie, vegetables from Pap Pap's garden and Grandma Fran's whoopie pies, Susie Harris' matzah ball soup, Aunt Linda's brisket and Michelle Sniscak's homemade chocolate!!! I am sure that there is more, but she cannot remember everything, she is only 19 months old. She also would love a sheet cake from Wegmans (with chocolate pudding filling), which she would like to enjoy poolside at Aunt Linda's while hanging with the Yentas. Speaking of the pool, we still have not had the chance to take her...hopefully tomorrow after seeing the Panda's at the zoo. Oh, one more quick thing, I turned on the TV today and they were showing the 1970's classic, "Ultra Man!" So freakin" cool!!!!!!!!!!! Until tomorrow...


  1. Rob here are some ideas from the internet????
    Baking Soda Method1When taking a shower add baking soda to your shampoo. Wash it enough so that its clean and smells good.
    Your hair may feel a bit slimy when shampooing, that means it's working.Put tomato paste in your hair. Leave it there for 30 minutes before rinsingThis method is recommended for people with blond hair who wish to accentuate the blond.
    1Take a bowl and insert a healthy amount of Prell shampoo.2Add powdered a packet of lemonade Kool-Aid to the Prell in the bowl. Be sure to use lemonade, rather than limeade as limeade will accentuate the green. Lemonade on the other hand will highlight the blond hair.3Mix the ingredients together. Rub the mixture in your hair and let sit for 10 minutes.4Wash your hair.The tomatoe paste is my favorite one (only kidding) Hey your all ready for St Patricks Day!! :) Now onto poor Addison--she must take after her Uncle Jeff at the doctor--although Robin was a realy trooper during surgery! So she not only is beautiful and smart she is healthy too--wonderful! She made it through those nasty shots!! I could not believe how she flirted with me on skype, what a personality. She will be soooooo cute with all her cousins, Brayden is going to love her! I agree with Sally--keep the blog coming forever. We are all going to go through withdrawal without it! Robin and Eric you are doing such a great job--parenthood is a natural for both of you and I am so proud of you guys. Hope the hints on getting rid of green hair works and as always loves, kisses and hugs to all of you. Love Mom and Marty

  2. From Mom--it sounds like Daddy is getting hungry for his favorite foods from home and now he will have to share with his daughter(to bad she likes to eat) as there was no shareing with Robin(doesn't like to eat)
    Glad to hear the orphanage took such good care of my granddaughter and she is so healthy (especially in the weight category)
    sounds like any food you introduce to her she seems to love--after eating rice everyday I guess any added change would be welcome!According to schedule it looks like you will be seeing pandas at the zoo today--A lot better than getting shots at the doctors--enjoy your day--love Mom & Bill

  3. That picture of AJ with a big smile is priceless! It sounds like you guys are right at home in China, making good friends and fitting right into the culture. However, after Eric's, oops I means Addison's, list of food requests from L.V., it sounds like you may be ready for the comforts of home. Rob, that green hair is totally "in" and you need to rock it! xo

  4. Hello Roberts Family of Three!
    Poor Robin! Thankfully you were wise enough to bring your ponytails. We do enjoy the Green Latern reference though :) There is a salon in the white swan and it's pretty reasonable. Maybe they have a remedy? I will say that I had many inches cut off my hair when we returned home because the water was so harsh.

    AJ handled the shot well and she looks so healthy! 22 lbs! That is just incredible. It really makes a difference when there are only 30 kids in an orphanage.

    I hope you have a blast at the zoo today! We are really enjoying your blog and pictures.
    Amy & Tony

  5. Robin I remember green hair from my teenage days :)
    Looks like you guys are getting along just great in China, you got through the shot episode quite well.
    With my twins it did not go as graceful as that :(
    Hope you had a great time watching the pandas.

  6. Every day we get more excited to meet her! She seems to have such a great personality and it looks as though she already has mommy and daddy wrapped around her little finger! (As it should be!)
    Green hair and Hong Kong feet? You two are turning into quite the spectacle in China (haha) I hope Addison enjoyed the zoo!

  7. Have fun at the zoo today! I am so proud of Addison for being such a trooper at her doctor visit! Robin - I am cracking up about the green hair - only you! Eric - I also looked up Hong Kong feet, they said it is athletes foot so you could buy an ointment over the counter at a pharmacy for athletes foot and of course start wearing socks - eeww!! haha I like the list of food - I am surprised you do not have Addison hooked yet on jams and jellies! She will be quickly when she gets home!!
    Love you guys! She is just soo precious and your family is the cutest!!! I am so excited for you guys to bring your daughter home!!!
    Love - Ter

  8. Hello from Kim! What a great kid you have! Do I foresee a dr in the family? Robin, the hair is not that bad. Colorful hair is in and you will work it beautifully. Have you guys FedExed an item of AJ's home for Jazz to smell yet? It may help in Jazz's acceptance of the new Lady of the house. Jazz must be missing you guys so much by now. Can't wait to read about day 9! Love, Kim

  9. Hi Robin, Eric, and AJ,
    Loving reading your blog and seeing pics every day, I feel like I'm there with you! Looks like you're having a blast and really bonding. Tony even asked if we would get to come over and meet Addison and see you guys when you get back, even he's excited for you guys! So so happy for you and maybe Eric I'll even bake some of those chocolate peanut butter chip cookies although you have to share them with Addison and Robin, at least one each!! Can't wait to see how the zoo was!!

  10. from Linda Zeller:
    Sounds like "the jade princess" refers to more than Robin's jewelry buying! Good for you to keep the green theme going. I see that none of my blue ribbon food dishes made "AJ's" list, so I guess that I'm off the hook for bringing you meals when you return :)
    You made it through your first doctor visit! Shots are never fun, but I'm glad that Addison got a good report.
    Can't wait to hear about the zoo! I'm fairly certain that it will include a tale about Robin getting goosed by a chimp or something of the sort!

  11. Eric,
    Just let me know when you will be coming back to work so I can deliver the cookies! We check the blog daily and do enjoy your entries. AJ is so very lucky to have you as parents. We look forward to welcoming her and watching her bloom under your care and love!

    The Geisels

  12. I'm just now getting caught up on the daily blog posts. Your daughter is beautiful, I'm so happy for the both of you.

    Mr Roberts - Are the hong kong feet a new problem or is this an old issue that you are now just addressing? One too many 5ks perhaps?

    Mrs Roberts - The pictures of AJ and yourself are adorable.

  13. Hi from Aunt Susie - Early morning is now my favorite part of the day - I get to hear from you guys - getting the daily scoop on things and enjoying the pictures. Addison is not only beautiful and smart but also brave. What a trooper! What a beaming smile - it melts you. Robin your mom called me after your last skype and she was just so happy that she got that blown kiss. You know me - I got all misty again. Love you guys. Give AJ a kiss and hug from me.

  14. Robin and Eric,

    Lisa, the girls, and I love the pictures. There are some real entertaining photos as we would expect. We are very happy for you!

    Dan, Lisa, Delaney, Danika, and Demi
